Can anybody travel at a speed of sonic(1200 km/hr) in ground?
It is possible with the use of hyperloop.
What is hyperloop?
Hyperloop is nothing but the pod or capsule like structure travel in the evacuated or vacuum tube with the use of magnetic levitation, linear electric motor and air cushion.
Who found this?
Elan Musk(CEO of the SpaceX) found this technology in 2012. He proposed this design with the air bearings and air compressors. After that, he made this open design to access this technology to make this as a powerful one. After that, Hyperloop Technology (later changed into Hyperloop One) took over that improved this design by implementing linear electric motor, magnetic levitation and air cushion. The SpaceX made the 1 mile track to conduct the hyperloop pod competition for the young engineers around the world to invent the good pod or capsule design for the fastest transportation.
How does this train works?
The pod or capsule of the hyperloop carries the passenger. The pod or capsule placed inside the evacuated or vacuum tube. And the tracks are made with use of aluminium. Usually in the maglev train, copper is used as the materials to lay the tracks. It is so costly also. But in the hyperloop, aluminium tracks made this cheap. And the linear electric motor is fitted at the evacuated tubes for the actuating purposes. The magnetic levitation makes the hyperloop friction free which looks like the capsule are suspended in air. The air cushion prevents the air resistance for the capsule. The evacuated tube or vacuum tube is made with the use of air pump to suck the air inside the tube. So, it can travel at a very high speed which is nearly the sonic.
Tests which proves that:
Recently, Hyperloop One conducted a test in Nevada in US. In that pod or capsule of the hyperloop ran at 187 km/hr in 1.1 seconds, even without the sealed or evacuated tube. Hyperloop tied with several countries to implement this into reality. And hyperloop one decides to implement this project between Los angles-San fransisco. So that, it is possible to reach San fransisco from Los Angles within 30 minutes. It is going to be the fastest transportation ever which has invented to travel in the ground atmosphere.
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