Sunday, 27 November 2016

Is it possible to travel at a sonic speed in ground?

Can anybody travel at a speed of sonic(1200 km/hr) in ground?
            It is possible with the use of hyperloop.
What is hyperloop?
            Hyperloop is nothing but the pod or capsule like structure travel in the evacuated or vacuum tube with the use of magnetic levitation, linear electric motor and air cushion.

Who found this?
            Elan Musk(CEO of the SpaceX) found this technology in 2012. He proposed this design with the air bearings and air compressors. After that, he made this open design to access this technology to make this as a powerful one. After that, Hyperloop Technology (later changed into Hyperloop One) took over that improved this design by implementing linear electric motor, magnetic levitation and air cushion. The SpaceX made the 1 mile track to conduct the hyperloop pod competition for the young engineers around the world to invent the good pod or capsule design for the fastest transportation.

How does this train works?
            The pod or capsule of the hyperloop carries the passenger. The pod or capsule placed inside the evacuated or vacuum tube. And the tracks are made with use of aluminium. Usually in the maglev train, copper is used as the materials to lay the tracks. It is so costly also. But in the hyperloop, aluminium tracks made this cheap. And the linear electric motor is fitted at the evacuated tubes for the actuating purposes. The magnetic levitation makes the hyperloop friction free which looks like the capsule are suspended in air. The air cushion prevents the air resistance for the capsule. The evacuated tube or vacuum tube is made with the use of air pump to suck the air inside the tube. So, it can travel at a very high speed which is nearly the sonic.

Tests which proves that:

            Recently, Hyperloop One conducted a test in Nevada in US. In that pod or capsule of the hyperloop ran at 187 km/hr in 1.1 seconds, even without the sealed or evacuated tube. Hyperloop tied with several countries to implement this into reality. And hyperloop one decides to implement this project between Los angles-San fransisco. So that, it is possible to reach San fransisco  from Los Angles within 30 minutes. It is going to be the fastest transportation ever which has invented to travel in the ground atmosphere.   

Saturday, 12 November 2016

When will earth stops function????

Hi guys welcome you all after a month gap.  Do you want to know How many years the earth is going to function? For that we have to wait for 9 years to know. Let’s see how?
When will earth die?????
The earth is functioning due to the heat present inside the earth. For the formation of heat, the earth depend on the radioactive element present  inside the earth. This act as the fuel for the earth engine.
What is neutrino?
Neutrino is the nearly massless particle which is very hard to capture. Nearly billions of neutrino come across our body every second. But it is impossible to detect the neutrino, because it rarely interact with the matter.
How it is formed?
                Neutrino’s are the byproduct of nuclear reactions occurred in the sun, nuclear reactors and radioactive element.
Mystery behind Neutrino:
                Earth radiating 46TW of heat.  Heat present inside the earth makes the planet shake, Volcanic eruption and working of magnetic field in the earth. If the total amount of energy present inside the earth come to finish, the earth stops functioning.The earth will die. When a uranium or thorium nucleus splits in radioactive decay, it releases a neutrino. The neutrinos have a specific range of energies. Once in a while, one will smack into a proton, the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. When this happens, the proton is changed into a positron (an electron with a positive charge) and a neutron. The neutron, meanwhile, collides with another hydrogen atom and becomes deuterium. These neutron-hydrogen atom collisions create a double flash of light. These are hard to see, though, because they happen very rarely.

                Imagine,When billions of bullet fired at the same target but only one striking the target. To catch the rare collisions, it requires detectors with lots of protons for the neutrinos to hit.
                There are only two neutrino observatory present in the world one is in japan and other is in Italy. In Japan(Super-Kamiokande ) observatory, they uses a 1000 tons of liquid which is the mixture of  benzene and mineral oil, along with some fluorescent chemicals in order to catch the neutrino that hit.
                The other one in Italy(Borexino detector) uses 300 tons of organic liquid to catch the neutrino and 2200 sensors are there to detect the flashing of light. The whole detector is housed inside the huge sphere which is covered by water.

                With the use of these observatories, They detected 16 collisions per year.In 2022, Our world will contain 5 neutrino observatory. China is constructing two neutrino observatory(Jinping and JUNO detectors) and Canada is constructing one observatory(SNO+ detector ). Juno detector is the 16 times powerful than the existing detectors. 
                With the use of these 5 detectors, scientist hopes that we can know how much fuel inside the earth and how many years the earth will function. Detectors needed 3 three years from 2022 to completely detect the neutrino collisions. In 2025, We can know how much fuel inside the earth. I hope you understand.